iz adaptive logo: the letters "i" and "z" in bold black text

All Hands on Me: Highlighting Adaptive Fashion

Sep 23 - Dec 23
6 other designers
Graphic Design
Lead Designer
tools & Frameworks
Figma, Animation & Interaction Design, Storytelling


Team Acknowledgements

This project was completed for IZAdaptive on behalf of Invention Corps of Berkeley. I’d like to thank the members of this project for their valuable contributions: Jacob Park, Lauren Vu, Alysa Liu, Taylor Tsan, Mohan Xu, and Samantha Fei

Our Client

IZAdaptive is a clothing company created by designer Izzy Camilleri, focusing on delivering innovative, functional, and fashionable pieces to people with wheelchair disabilities.

Case Study Coming Soon...

This case study is a work in process. Please check out the deliverables below if you want to get a sense of the final product while I work on the story of how this project came to be. Please email me at kellyye@berkeley.edu if you want have questions about my work!

Final Deliverable: Interactive Digital Zine

The final project medium was a digital zine hosted on Figma. The link to the deliverable can be found here.


if you want a little more insight into our creative process, here is the slide deck we presented to our client at the Invention Corps final project showcase.
⋆˙⟡ thanks for checking out my work! ⋆˙⟡